Mirror glaze cake on Valentine's Day

Tarta espejo en San Valentín

Every February 14th, Valentine's Day is celebrated, red hearts, red roses, decorations and pastry, a lot of pastry overwhelm the shop windows of all cities.

One of the cakes that is winning popularity these days for its sophisticated touch as well as its surprising shiny and reflective finish, is the mirror glaze cake. The technique originates in France and spread in the 1970s with the arrival of modern pastry.

The mirror glaze technique consists in mixing jelly, sugar, water, and other food colouring on the surface of the cake. The mixture is heated and then poured over the cake, evenly covering the piece. The temperature of the glaze is fundamental to achieve the smooth and shiny effect.

The versatility of mirror glaze cakes allows you to experiment with different combinations of flavours and fillings, but the most common are usually chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry sponge cake. It is also a suitable topping for frozen cakes, mousses, and miniature pastry. 

At Llopartec we join these sweet trends that captivate by offering you products for glazes such as Gama Glasspol, Gama Glasspol B and Glasspol Plus, with which different textures are obtained in glaze.

In the pastry sector, Llopartec is considered one of the national leaders thanks to our continued innovation, efficiency, and maximum customization in each of the food solutions that we provide to our clients.